Project Partners

A cornerstone of the Westcountry Rivers Trust's philosophy is working in partnership with a wide variety of organisations to achieve meaningful change 'on the ground'. To this end, CRP is being delivered by the WRT in conjunction with a number of project partners:

The Environment Agency providing technical guidance and catchment targeting advice
The Wetland Ecosystems Research Group (WERG), University of London - providing expertise in GIS mapping and management in addition to data storage capabilities
BDB Associates - providing technical guidance on the design and implementation of Best Farming Practice guidelines South West Water - providing financial support to assist with the project delivery

In addition the above project partners, CRP has gained the official backing and support of a broad range of interested parties. These include the South West Rivers Association, English Nature, Countryside Agency, C.L.A, N.F.U, CPRE, Game Conservancy, Salmon & Trout Association, South West Forest, Cornwall County Council, District Councils etc.

Cornwall Rivers Project is being conducted in line with the Westcountry Rivers Trust's equal opportunities policy.