Aims & Objectives

The overall aim of the project is to engage and empower local communities to manage land use in a sustainable way to protect and enhance Cornwall's rivers.

The project has been designed to deliver a series of carefully targeted outputs that will bring significant improvements to both the environment and to the economic viability of local rural communities. WRT will achieve this through the delivery of a unique approach (developed as part of its Tamar 2000 project) combining environmental improvements with economic gains.

Specific objectives of the project are outlined below:

Objective 1: To extend a well proven programme of guidance and technical support on economic and environmentally sound land use practices

The achievement of this objective will be met by:

  • Applying the practical and economic lessons from previous projects and further developing a cost-effective, streamlined method of transferring them
  • Implementing measures to address the causes of riverine decline as well as the symptoms
  • Providing assistance toward improvements found to be important in river maintenance and improvement.
  • Extending and applying operational guidelines for practical wetland restoration and management
  • Development of guidelines for more strategic and targeted investment at the catchment scale


Objective 2: To raise public awareness of the importance of water resources and related habitat issues and to engage the wider community in the conservation and enjoyment of our river heritage

The achievement of this objective will be met by:

  • Developing partnerships and links between other organisations to spread the message
  • To give training and advice directly to stakeholders and target groups in the community
  • To undertake a public awareness programme
  • To provide relevant and understandable information for the widest possible audience
  • To involve local communities in addressing local water resource issues
  • To provide innovative recreational river visits / walks with an educational theme
    To develop demonstration sites of best management practice


Objective 3: To facilitate the transfer of experience, information and good land use practices to those who own and manage the resource

The achievement of this objective will be met by:

  • Promoting widely the methodology for encouraging holistic land and water resource management which was developed under the WRT's Tamar 2000 programme
  • Producing a training system to provide the opportunity to raise the skills base of landowners, encourage technology transfer and provide help to those giving advice
  • Keeping the data and information base and the overall methodology up to date to ensure validity and delivery of best restoration and management practices
  • Providing demonstration sites