Create a
pond or wetland for car park run off |
Turn off
urinals at night |
the Westcountry Rivers Trust |
Turn off the tap when
you brush your teeth |
Collect as much rainwater
as you can |
Work out how much water
you use a week and reduce it by 10% |
Check annually for water
leaks at home |
Take a shower instead
of a bath twice a week |
Put a Hippo or a brick
in large, old water cisterns |
Keep stock out of watercourses |
Use the bath water on
the garden, not mains water |
Do not water your lawn
- let it go yellow |
Check farm troughs weekly
for overflows and leaks |
Do not use a half full
washing machine or dishwasher |
Do not wash your car
in July, August or September unless you have to |
Install a water saving
device |